Adults and Health

The council’s Adults and Health directorate is responsible for co-ordinating public health and social support services across the city. Teams within this area of the council are dedicated to ensuring every person in Leeds can live a fulfilled, healthy life as independently as possible. When residents need additional help, our teams are on hand to provide the right care and support at the right time.

Adults and Health is made up of several key service areas including social work and social care services, transformation and innovation, public health, integrated commissioning, health partnerships and resources and strategy.

Many roles in Adults and Health involve working directly with residents, but there are also a number of office based roles complementing the work being done out in the community. All roles in this directorate suit someone who is compassionate and who wants to have a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of people living in Leeds. By joining our team, you can help us reduce health inequalities and make Leeds the best city to grow up and grow old in.

Our social care roles are varied; we support people with additional needs including older people, people with mental health problems, sensory impairments, physical disabilities or learning disabilities. We also have a responsibility to protect people from abuse and neglect.

Our public health teams work hard to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the city. This isn’t just about health services, it spans wider issues like housing, social care, sport and fitness, education, and employment. Our teams know that by tackling the underlying causes of illness and unhappiness, we can improve the overall health of residents.

We also regularly run health awareness campaigns so that our residents can better understand how to look after their health.

A lot of the work in Adults and Health happens out in the community and the council uses Asset Based Community Development as a model of working. Our ‘strengths-based’ approach empowers people with care and support needs by building on the strengths that they already have and by working with their family, friends, and the wider community to ensure they have more control of their lives and the appropriate support networks in place. As a result of this, communities are more resilient and connected, and outcomes for many of our residents are significantly improved.

If this approach and our values align with what you are looking for in a career, then we’d love to have you as part of Team Leeds. Having such a wide range of services in Adults and Health means there are plenty of exciting opportunities for dedicated professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds. Take your first step to a life changing career today.

Visit Leeds Health and Care Academy to find out what benefits health and care workers may be entitled to, in addition to benefits for council staff

Integrated commissioning

We develop systems for specification and procurement of services which accurately target need, are outcome focused and deliver value for money.

Public health

We work to achieve better health in communities and reduce health inequality, helping the poorest people to improve their wellbeing the fastest.

Resources and strategy

We provide financial management, data, intelligence and training to enable effective planning and delivery of public health and social support services.

Social work and social care services

We provide care and support to working age adults and older people with support needs, tailored to the individual to achieve the best outcomes for everyone.

Transformation and innovation

The team drives continuous improvement in Adults and Health, devising strategy that keeps communities front and centre whilst maximising digital opportunities.